New Silent Hill 2 Voice Actor Defends Changes


Konami didn't want to change voices for the Silent Hill 2 HD make over, says the revolutionary actor.

As well his roles in Catherine, Final Fantasy XIII, and BioShock Infinite, it emerged a few late that voice actor Troy Bread maker would be providing the voice of St. James Sunderland in the HD remake of Silent Hill 2. Fans reacted badly to the news show, but Bread maker says that Konami had to alteration voice actors, because the original performer wouldn't come back.

Baker said that Guy Cihi, who provided the voice and gesticulate capture for Jesse James in the original version of the game, longed-for Konami to pay him residuals for his performance, or he wouldn't recapitulate his persona for the remake. Baker said that spell residuals were common in early amusement industries, they simply didn't survive for videogames. "He wanted non-existent money that he felt that he was owed," helium explained. "And [Konami] desirable to use him over again. Hombre was the one WHO was communicative about it and aforementioned that unless this happens He wouldn't do it, so he forced Konami's hands."

"Indeed if anybody wants to blame anybody for wherefore they chose new voices, they can go back to the original James and atomic number 2's the one to blame," he added.

Baker aforesaid that the process of recording the lines was closer to his undergo working on anime, than other videogame projects, because Konami had not redone the back talk animation for the dialogue, which meant that the new cast had to follow the existing performance rather nearly. He said that they had strived to ride out true to the feel of Incommunicative Hill, even if they had occasionally strayed from how a line was originally delivered.

However, he was swell cognisant that no matter to how good his performance was, some hoi polloi weren't going to like it. He said that no one had forced him to take the office, and he understood people's reaction to people making changes to loved classics, whatever the medium. He even aforementioned that he actually liked sighted some of the more kneejerk reactions, where masses called him a bad actor without knowing who helium was, and belik having enjoyed his performances in the past. "It's unemotional to construe how people respond like that," he said. "It's kindly of like a blind mouthful test."

The Dumb Hill HD Collection is scheduled for release on PS3 – and maybe Xbox 360 – in the fall.

Source: The Gaming Liberty


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