From letting it slip that they often walk past their crush's house for no good reason (*cough* soft stalking!) to slamming into a glass door at a party, these Reddit stories will positively leave you ROFLing.

And to keep up with the spirit of this laugh fest, here's an extra embarrassing crush story for you, straight from the pages of my life:

When we were kids, we used to play a game called FLAMES where you basically wrote down your name and someone else's and then struck out the letters that were common. Finally, based on the total number of common letters, you counted F-L-A-M-E-S to see what was the "destiny" of your relationship.

So, of course, I had to try my luck with my crush's name. Unfortunately, I was a bit careless and had filled up the corners of my history textbook with multiple copies of the game (because every time I got M for "marriage" it made me happy). And then he happened to see it.

Long story short: he gave me a weird look and never spoke to me again. So much for marriage!

If you liked that, here are 21 even more hilarious stories from the time Redditers embarrassed themselves before their crush. Enjoy!

21 Oh No, She Didn't!

"In the 7th grade, I was a very awkward child. Kinda chubby, no fashion sense and my face generally resembled a gorilla. I had already accepted the fact that boys weren't going to like me.

One day I was hanging out with a guy friend, Richard. Richard was a sweet kid and pretty cute and I'd met him through another friend.

It was just Richard and me chilling in a hallway when he suddenly asked me to the school dance that was happening on Friday.

I couldn't believe it. A cute guy had just asked me to a dance?! Are you sure this is real life? Say yes, you [loser], say yes!

So, of course, I did what any reasonable 13-year-old girl would do: I screamed and ran away. Richard didn't want to hang out with me again after that and I still feel bad about to this day, a decade later."

This story was shared by Reddit user red_raconteur, and definitely resonates with many of us!

20 That One Didn't Go As Expected...


"It was [at] my friends going away party. There was one girl in particular who caught my eye. Cute, dark hair, kinda short, you know the type. I had taken it upon myself to woo this girl.

So the party's going on, and I'm outside on my friend's patio. I look inside, and I see the cute girl playing ping pong in the day room through the door. I make it my mission to impress her. How, you ask? Well, cartwheel into the room from outside, of course.

So I start heading towards the door, start gaining some speed, and begin to throw my momentum forward to do this cartwheel (note: I have no idea how to cartwheel). Just when my center of gravity starts to shift,


[The] glass door.

The whole party stops and looks in my direction. I'm honestly stunned. I hit my face so hard on the glass my glasses went flying in some random direction, and I didn't know what to do. I just sat down and kind of buried my head in my hands for 10-20 minutes and then went home.

The ordeal made it into the yearbook senior year."

Shared on Reddit, this story made us go 'OUCH!'

19 Major Weirdo Moment


We all have done creepy things when we were crushing hard on someone. But the following story, shared on Reddit, takes it to a whole other level:

"This girl [I liked] was pointing at something in the dark, in a theater. For some reason I had the urge to stroke her finger.

Didn't end well."

I don't know about you, but it was hard to read this one without feeling a bit awkward!

Because not only did this guy ruin his chances with this girl, but if she's like most girls, the tale of this incident would have spread like wildfire and ruined his chances of dating someone else too!

18 What A Bright Idea

"When I was in the 4th grade I remember having the biggest crush on a girl in my PE class. So I wrote her a note.

When we're all sitting in our grid formation on the gym floor I decide the time has come. I started walking [toward her]. However, in the 5 seconds between me getting up and when I am to drop the note off I decide that this is too easy — I must give her a challenge.

I then proceed to the water fountain with a new plan. As soon as I get there I plunge the note into the water creating a wet squishy mess. My logic at this point in my life was that the wet paper would [make] the note harder to read, [so] she would undoubtedly be impressed.

On the way back to my seat, I dropped the white piece of [mushy paper in front of] her. As you can probably guess, she didn't know what in gods name it was. She just stared at it on the gym floor for a second with her mouth open. Before she could say anything I high tailed it back to my seat.

She [never] spoke to me again. I think it is safe to assume that she did not decode the message."

Shared by Reddit user, ghrey_ink.

17 Awwww!


"When I was 9 or 10 I liked my babysitter. I stayed up later (after reasoning with him on bedtime) and tried to act all cool and teenager-y, which included things like sunglasses, lounging around apathetically, and generally acting independent (saying that I could go places on my own, had many ex-boyfriends, etc)."

We have to admit, acting out to get attention from her crush isn't the wildest thing she could do!

Shared by Reddit user, rabbit_running, this story is cute, hilarious, and cringe-worthy at the same time. Well, maybe cringe-worthy just for me because it reminds me of the time I had a huge crush on a class monitor and used to do all sorts of weird things to get him to come over and shush me.

*Shakes head*

16 He Won't Live It Down


"I'm not sure if this counts but I was walking around with a group of friends with my crush and decided to walk ahead of her to try to do something and that's when she 'zapped' me. (tickled me by poking two fingers above my waist) and I farted ._."

Shared by Reddit user, Darilleion, this hilarious tale of embarrassing proportions hits us in that place, deep inside all of us, where we bury our fear of farting extravagantly. However, to his luck, it was in front of his crush (and a bunch of other people) while walking around in a silent hall.

15 Say Cheese


"I worked as a counselor at this summer camp in June for about a month, and this year, there was a very attractive new climbing instructor. He was a [central] topic among the other lady counselors.

We had a staff orientation before the actual camp started where they held a cookout at this farm, and the climbing instructor happened to be passing out the cheese.

And I thought to myself: 'Oh, this is my chance, I'm going to impress him and be really funny.'

Then I go up to him with a totally straight face and say 'Cheese me'. There was no reaction, not even a smile, only confusion. And then he finally said, 'Cheese please?' So I just nodded in shame and accepted my cheese.

He asked for my name, and I gave him my real one, which I shouldn't have because he probably remembers me as that girl who asked him to cheese her."

This story was shared on Reddit by a user who later deleted her account.

14 Ouch!


"In about 4th grade, our entire class was obsessed with play fighting in the snow. One recess, a girl that I had a crush on decided to join in with the boys and I being a yellow belt at Ju Jitsu decided to show off my new throw on her. Little did I know she had some sort of brittle bone disorder. She walked with crutches for months and left the school the year later."

Shared by Reddit user, danman380, this story is plain horrifying! I mean, she would always remember him as that bully who sent her to the hospital with multiple fractures, never knowing that he was just a silly kid with a huge crush on her.

13 One Drop And I'm Out

If you agree that parents need to stop teaching their sons to ignore their emotions and "act like a man", this story shared by Reddit user, thirdguyfromtheleft, will bolster your argument.

"Went to donate blood with a girl I was kinda into, it was a stupid idea, since I suffer from haemophobia, but I thought I could soldier through it and impress her with my bravery, which of course I couldn't and instead pretty much fainted already when they pricked my finger to determine my blood levels."

Donating blood is certainly not for the faint of heart! (Ha.)

And down he went... *Shakes head*

12 That Night On The Subway

"I live in NYC and had a horrible sickness for a few weeks. I finally felt well enough to leave the house and had dinner with a friend in Manhattan one Saturday evening.

I was taking the train back to Brooklyn when I noticed a really cute boy who keeps looking at me. (If you live in NYC you know the look — the eye dancing, subway crush look, whatever you want to call it.) But I'm still so sick and look so [awful] in a hoodie and short-shorts, so instead of actually saying hi, I decide I'll be super cool and smile at him as I leave the train.

We get to my stop.

Train stops.

I stand up.

Walk to the door.

Smile at him as I'm walking. (He smiles back)

...and I run into the door."

This story was shared by Reddit user, nevermorenevermore.

11 The Things We Do For Love


"I was at a high school church retreat during the summer. One of the bus's transmission broke, so a good 30-40 of us had to wait for another charter bus to pick us up.

In the meantime, many of the guys were doing tricks, flips, and nifty jumps. They decided to take a short break, so there was my golden opportunity.

Normally, I was fairly quiet and shy around girls, but I decided to do something about it.

I was a Yellow Belt in Tae Kwon Do at the time and thought that I could do a jump kick over a stack of pillows in front of them.

I stacked 4-5 very large pillows took a step back and then began running to do my 'move'.

I did a jump side kick over the pillows. I thought that I would be successful because I cleared the pillows. However, I forgot to tuck in my back leg, so my foot caught and caused me to tumble over and fall.

Trying to retain my dignity, I got up immediately and walked away."

This story was shared by Reddit user, Daniellee912.

10 Acquaintance-Zoned


"I talked to my crush for 2 years and she gave me the impression that she was into me. We both loved Nintendo games and we always talked about Pokemon, Zelda, Smash Bros, etc.

On her bday, I spent 100 bucks on her — I got her a limited edition Gameboy advance [lol]. She was super awk about it and immediately left the party. She messaged me like 'i never knew u were crushin on me. u should take back the gift. its too much, and i dont think of you as such a close friend.'

I didn't take back the gift, but as y'all might imagine, we never became a thing. awkkkkkks."

This story was shared by Reddit user, Wicteur.

9 How Does This Work?

Imagine getting rejected by your crush. *Cringe to the power of 10*

Now imagine getting rejected by your crush in front of a hundred other people. *Cringe to the power of infinity!*

Well, that's exactly what happened to Reddit user, Trubbles, when he decided to take matters into his hands and confess his love.

He seriously spammed a ton of people, turning an intimate conversation into a widely broadcasted message!

"I once sent a girl an email, in reply to a mass email from a university course we were taking together, professing my interest in her... I clicked 'reply' not 'reply all' so I thought I was safe. I didn't know how 'list serves' work."

8 Still Not Cool


"Not a long story. I was sitting in the library at my college, reading a book they just got in about particle physics (my major). I'm chillin', minding my own business, and this very cute girl sits down across from me.

I panic, and so I start to shift the book back over the lip of the table to make the cover visible, though I make it look like I'm just getting more comfortable. She looks up. So far, my plan is working perfectly. Then she reads the title.

Her eyes got wide, looks at me and gives me the '[what] is wrong with you' face, and leaves.

TL;DR — Physics still not the new [cute]."

This story was shared by Reddit user, nightman2112.

7 Classic Move


"I took and pretended to struggle with intro to college calculus just to get in close with this girl.

Didn't really work since one of her friends ended up being a girl I had tutored in Linear Algebra. lol"

What a classic move, dude.

Shared by Reddit user, Foofs123, this story immediately reminded me of that scene from Mean Girls where Cady pretended she was not good at Math just to get Aaron Samuels to tutor her after class. Unfortunately, she was busted when her teacher put down her straight A math test right then on her table.

Well, you definitely shouldn't dumb yourself down to get someone to like you!

6 That Embarrassing Story Only Your Mom Thinks Is Funny


"Freshman year of High School, a girl had a thing for me. She would talk to me in the halls a lot, and stare. Well, one day, as I was getting picked up by my mom, she flung herself onto the hood of my car and professed her love for me. In front of my mom.

She hasnt let me live it down yet. In fact, its a topic of conversation when we have guests over."

This story was shared by Reddit user, Dandra. And we definitely feel for him. After all, my mom has enough embarrassing stories from my childhood up her sleeves whenever we have guests over!

5 And Down It Went


"Freshman year of college I had a crush on a fiery red-haired girl. Red and I had just gotten back to campus and were walking to my dorm. The conversation was about a myriad of things and finally ended up on the subject of free-running.

Seeing my opportunity to impress her, I decided to try this free-running thing myself.

I take off running and leap (highest I have ever jumped) on top of a magazine stand. One second I'm feeling like a god, the next I'm flat on my face with a magazine stand on top of me."

This story was shared on Reddit by a user who later deleted his account.

4 I Am Not A Stalker!


"So, when I was about 15, I happened to walk past my crush's house a couple of times in a week, as it was on the way to my friend's house.Being as desperate for a conversation-starter as I was, I go up to her at school randomly and say 'I walked past your house twice, this week!' It came off in a way which would appear as though I was basically stalking her."

Shared by Reddit user, mulimulix, this is a classic story of hormones short-circuiting the sane part of your brain. And we all know what must have probably happened next – a barrage of explanations that always worsen the situation and bolster your new weirdo status.

3 Smooth


"Back in college I was a [sap], and there was a girl who lived across the hall from me who was drop-dead gorgeous.

This was when iTunes library sharing was popular, and pretty much everyone in the hall had their music connected to the internet[.]

[E]veryone on the floor could see your music library and listen to your songs.

I creeped the [heck] out of this girl's Facebook and music library, basically putting in every single band and song that she liked in hopes that she would see my playlist, notice that we had the same taste in music, and then want to date me and stuff. It... didn't work."

This story was shared by Reddit user, tal087a.

2 Dissing Your School Isn't Attractive

"I was in the eighth grade and I was at my brother's high school football game with my friend, Lauren. Some high school guys came up to talk to us and we were really excited about it ( I can just picture my lanky pubescent self playing with my hair and grinning like a [loser]).

I went to a Catholic school at the time and I guess I deemed this fact embarrassing. So when one of them asked where I went to school, I said 'a stupid school'. They looked at me like I was... well... retarded. And went away soon after that."

This story was shared by Reddit user, Mandelish.

1 The Things We Do For Love: Part II


"Back in the day I had a huge crush on the girl who sat in front of me in history class. She told me one day that I'd look cute with a pierced ear. WELL that weekend I go to the mall and get it pierced. I was so excited and when Monday rolled around I went to class. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around.

'Notice anything different?' I said, waiting for her to jump me right then and there in class.

'Oh, you got your ear pierced. That's cute' she said, turning back around to talk to her friend.

I took it out shortly after and can still feel where it was. To this day I still have a little scar to remind me what an incredible loser I was."

Shared by Reddit user, Kingofkeith, this story has just one moral: don't do something your crush suggested if it's not really your thing.


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